System Nomenclature
Dice Pools (DP):
The maximum number of dice you roll, in most cases the player will want to roll all available dice. Rolling a 2-9 is the face value, 1's count as an critical failure and are both a failure and negate the success of another die (applied before 10's), 10's count as a critical success and count as a success and can be rerolled to attempt another success (a 10-1 combo results in a net zero successes).
Example 1: You have a dice pool of 3 and a difficulty of 7. You roll 3d10 and get a 2,3,7. Your dice pool amounts to 1 success
Example 2: You have a dice pool of 3 and a difficulty of 7. You roll 3d10 and get a 2,3,10, and reroll the ten getting a 7. Your dice pool amounts to 2 successes
Example 3: You have a dice pool of 3 and a difficulty of 7. You roll 3d10 and get a 1,3,7. Your dice pool amounts to 0 (zero) successes equivalent to a net failure.
Example 4: You have a dice pool of 3 and a difficulty of 7. You roll 3d10 and get a 1,2,5. Your dice pool amounts to -1 successes equivalent to a critical failure of 1.
Example 5: You have a dice pool of 3 and a difficulty of 7 with a bonus of 3. You roll 3d10 and get a 1,2,5 which becomes (1+3)=1, (2+3)=5, (5+3)=8. Your dice pool amounts to 0 successes because the 5 becomes a successful 8, and the 1 negates that success.
Difficulty (DC):
The minimum number representing a success on a dice roll. Default difficulty is 7. Difficulty may be raised above 10 when bonuses could be applied to rolls. If the DC is higher than the maximum possible roll of 10+bonuses, then the dice must be rolled to check for a critical failure (more 1's than successes), in this situation 10's may optionally be rerolled.
Multiple Actions (same type):
If a player wishes to repeat an action within a single round for which it is legal to do so (e.g. all-out-dodge), then each successive action reduces the dice pool by 1. When using swordmaster actions (attack, parry, riposte) with Tree Forms, the initial dice pool is increased by the number of dots and the player does not have to reduce the dice pool until the number of opponents exceeds the 'trained' amount (See tree forms for more details). Note: in this situation, taking any non-swordplay action will negate the effect for the remainder of the round.
Multiple Actions (different type):
If a player wishes to complete two actions in a single round, they determine the smallest dice pool for any of the actions and must divide that dice pool amoung all actions Each action that occurs must use at least 1 die. Bonuses can apply to each separate pool as normal, they neither stack nor are shared amoung pools. You can never split a pool when performing all-out-dodge.
Multiple Actions (Swordmaster):
When using swordmaster actions (sword attacks, parry, riposte, tumble, block ranged, quick draw, second attack, bird leap) against multiple combatants and the swordmaster has one or more dots in Tree Forms; then the initial dice pool for the first action is increased by the number of dots and the swordmaster has in Tree Forms, AND does reduce until the number of opponents exceeds the 'trained' amount with two notible exceptions. Exception 1: The dice pool will be reduced by 1 each time the swordmaster switches action type, and Exception 2: as soon as the swordmaster switches to a non-swordmaster activity then the dice pools return to the lower of their current and maximum values and degrade as for normal rules.
Example: Lan attacks a cluster of 16 trollics and begins battle with bird attack, his normal bird attack dice pool is increased by 4 dots of tree forms. After the successful initial attack, he begins to parry. Because he switched actions in the swordmaster category, his parry pool is only increased by 3 dots. On the second parried attack, he successfully ripostes. Since the riposte is part of the parry action, his parry dice pool does not decrease.
--(After the Above) On the 7th trollic attack he fails his parry and chooses to tumble away. The rules for tumble require that Lan switch to all-out-dodge until the completion of the next round. This is a non-swordmaster skill and negates the effects of his Tree Forms. Fortunately, only one of the trollics was still in range after the tumble, and he easily dodges it.
--(After the Above) On the next round, 11 of the 16 trollics close sufficiently to attack Lan. He must continue to dodge, losing one die per trollic, until he has only 1 die left in his pool. The rules for all-out-dodge require that every character have the opportunity to dodge, so Lan's dice pool does not reduce any further for the round.
Health (2 types):
All players are considered to have 13 points of box-health. This is the raw damage (cuts & bruises) the body can withstand before being incapable of surviving. You can be healed with the power as long as you have at least 1 box health.You are unconcious if you have 3 or fewer boxes health, are disabled for a further 5 (boxes 8 to 4). When you have only box health (no dot health) to act in a combat round you must roll a save vs shock/stun, Myrrdraal fight at full strength until all boxes are full and Ogire fight at full strength until unconcious. When you have no dots of health, a 1 point penalty per box of damage is applied to initiative, and each dot of disabled damage lowers dice pool and raises difficulty (-1DP and +1DC) by one point per box of disabled damage. In addition you can purchase dot health which represents additional hitpoints where you are considered to function at peak ability. Certain races (e.g. myrddraal and ogire) treat their box health the same as dot health (no save vs shock)
Non-magic healing:
You recover all your dot health with moderate rest & satiation. (1-3 hours of rest will return all dot health; however physical or power strain may reduce this at GM discretion). You will heal box health naturally over time (3-7 days per box depending on age).
Soak Damage:
Some characters will have the abiltity to soak damage directly to box health instead of sacrificing dot health. These effects allow for actions like "sheathing the sword" where a swordmaster chooses to take a (hopefully non-lethal) hit without defending so that they can counterattack (in a hopefully lethal way). To soak, a player calls that they will be applying up to their Soak maximum damage directly to box health instead of dot health, this allows them to keep at least one dot of health around to prevent the penalties to initiative, difficulty, pools, and additional saves that are required when dot health is depleted.
NOTE: It is better to take as much damage as possible against dot health while conserving at least one dot to stave off the penalties. Dot health recovers faster but soaking to box health lets you fight at full steam right to the end.
In a mighty battle, a warder with 5 dot health, no armor, 7 points of soak, and 13 box health, is grossly outnumbered and suicidally defends the retreat of his Aes Sedai. Each round he takes 5 dots of damage. In the first round he allows his dot health to drop to 1 and takes 1 box of damage. Over the next two rounds he fights at full prowess and takes another 10 points of box damage. He is left with 2 box health and 1 dot health. In his final round, he gets initiative and kills another trollic before he is beheaded.
Most bonuses either raises the number of dice in a given pool OR lowers the difficulty (net: grants either +1DP or -1DC) but not both. In some rare cases, a bonus will improve both dice and difficulty numbers.
Penalties are assessed as dots. A single dot penalty removes one die from the pool and adds one difficulty (net: -1DP +1DC), unless otherwise noted. Even for large pools with many bonuses it is possible for a character to take on enough penalties to make a certain action impossible to succeed (10 + bonuses < BaseDC + penalties). In these cases players still need to roll the dice in their pool to see if they suffer a critical failure (roll more 1's than successes). Some pools are flexible allowing players to choose how many dice to roll.
Dots - Attributes
A single dot is the minimum a person can have and be considered 'normal'. Two dots is an 'average' person. Three dots is an 'above average' person. When you get to four dots, you are an exceptional person. To have four dots you need some special affinity, ability, talent, in tandem with some column appropriate fitness regime. This is why a normal character is limited to being exceptional in at most one column of attributes (social, mental, or physical). The comparision is the huge, tough jock is a bit dim and socially awkward. The fifth dot is truely beyond conceivable human potential. It represents some almost mythical apptitude, and is accesssible only in a character who dedicates their life and or has some special origin that permits it. The last option, equally as uncommon as the fifth dot is the zero dots. This represents some person who is beyond the low end of normal. This is the people who are actively outcast from society, mentally disabled, or physically debilitated.
Dots - Abilities (basic)
Basic abilities are the first row, specifically the Weapons, Military, Trade, and Education, sections. These are the cheapest dots to purchase on the character sheet. However, it is normally presumed that someone has 1-5 years of training to get 3 dots, 5-20 years of training for four dots, and more than 20 years training and experience to get the fifth dot. It is generally allowed for any character to get up to 3 dots in the basic abilities, and must justify in their character concept to have more than that. Characters who want to take four basic abilities can use the third column of their Specialty Class selections as a 4th basic skill. The costs are the same as basic skills 1-3; they do not reflect the higher costs of specialty skills.
Dots - Abilities (Specialty Classes)
Specialty class abilities are availabile in the second row of skills and limited to those with directed training. They both significantly more expensive than basic as well as significantly more powerful. There is a hard limit that you may exceed 3 dots in any skill in only one category of specialty abilities specifically: you may take up to 3 dots in any specialty class skill; and you may not take more than 3 dots in more than one specialty class.

Swordmasters, like Lan, specialize in using a single or double edge sharp weapon approximately 3-7 feet long. All manner of swords, sabers, katanas, bastard, and two handed swords are included.

Gleemen are the mistrels and rogues of the WoT universe. They are very comfortable drinking in a tavern, in crowded places, or performing in public. Equally, they are people of intrigue, disguise and effective at collecting their coin when it has been haphazardly dropped behind a lock and key.

Daes Da'Mar are those skilled in politics. They are excellent navigators of word, relationships, negotiations, and predicting others movements. They are excellent at ascertaining true motives and planning a counter or supportive action.

Aiel are hardened souls from the Waste. They live life to atone for their past and harden their bodies and minds to the task. They are skilled fighters, shrewd traders, and utterly self sufficient in all environments.

One Power are those naturally gifted or heavily trained in the use of the Source. For Forsaken they also cover the use of the True Source. These are the most powerful magic users of the WoT universe.

Talents in the Wheel of Time universe are rare and rarely duplicate between characters, except at the highest levels. Dreamwalking has been seen wolf brothers (Perrin) and in dreamers (Egwene). However, more disparate abilities have not been duplicated in individuals. Generally you should not take more than 5-7 dots in talents, and understand that taking talents at the high levels (4-5 dots) can have drawbacks.

A swordmaster must have years of training and must regularly train to keep his skills up. Therefore, he cannot take more than 3 dots in gleeman or onepower skills, as he simply doesn't have time to practice those skills.
Working with the power, Rand can become a competent swordmaster (3 dots in most skills) but cannot truely focuse all his time because he needs to practice with the one power (five dots in warding, and crafting)
Dots - True Source & Weaves
All power based dots are limited by the character's potential. The potential is set during character creation and can never be increased. Additionally, characters must justify 'excessive' amounts of power (>8 dots for females, or >9 dots for males). It can be presumed (perhaps) that Rand can get an impossible 14th dot of power, and everyone else is maxed out at 13. You may know a weave, but you cannot form it (either for demonstration or for use) unless you have sufficient dots in all 5 threads. To assemble a weave you roll your embraced onepower, until you have successes equal to the sum of all dots in threads. Therefore, a 5 dots of fire Immolate weave requires 5 successes. A blurry ward which requires 2 dots of air and 1 of fire requires a total of 3 successes.
Summary of Normal Combat Rounds
  1. Ambushing Round (initial attack only)
    Net = (Offense rolls Ambush - penalties) - (Defense rolls Ambush Defense - penalties)
    Positive Net means Offense attacks for net rounds and Defense can only defend (swordmasters may optionally riposte on parry)
    Negative Net means Offense suffers a penalty of net that reduces by 1 each round to zero.
  2. Roll Initiative (1d10 + bonus). Only reroll initiative if you are switching between action types, Melee, Ranged, One Power
  3. Declare actions (low to high)
  4. Perform actions (high to low)
    1. Identify bonuses & penalties
      • +DP (more dice to roll)
        Strategy based on Leader's strategy if you are following his/her commands
        Boosts that enhance strength, stamina, keenness, readiness
      • -DC (lower difficulty)
        Formation skill if you are in formation
        Beneficial terrain
      • Penalties (+DC [no max] AND -DP [min 1]
        Bad terrain for physical actions on uneven terrain (exception: mountain forms)
        For each repeated action in a round, stacking
        For each box of disabled damage, stacking
    2. Declare Attack
      • Melee
      • Melee (special)
      • Ranged (shoot/throw)
      • Power
    3. Declare Defense
      • Dodge (melee)
      • Parry (melee)
      • Avoid (ranged)
      • Evade (melee/magic)
    4. Roll Attack (successes = #) (* Melee combat with swordmaster ally may increase dice pool see: feline)
    5. Roll Defence (successes = #) (* Melee combat with swordmaster ally may increase dice pool see: feline)
  5. Determine Result:
    1. Attacks > Defence then Raw Damage = (Defence - Attacks) - Armor => Apply to dot health then box health unless defender uses Soak
    2. Attacks > Defence by Evade = Optionally repeat defence with dodge, tumble, parry, and forfeit action, goto: determine result
    3. Attacks > Defence by Parry or Dodge = Optionally repeat defence with tumble
    4. Attacks =< Defence then Raw Damage = 0
    5. Attacks < Defence by Parry (Sword only): Roll for Riposte
  6. Continue executing actions: (reduce pools by 1 die for each future encounter you have this round, exception: 2nd attack and Tree Forms)
Initiative is 1d10+bonus. Rolling a 1 on the d10 is a 'fumbled' round, reroll 1d10 without bonuses as initiative (another 1 is just a last-to-act guarantee). People declare actions from lowest to highest, and execute actions from highest to lowest. If lower actions are negated by higher actions c'est la vie.
Any character may move up to their dots in ( dexterity - armor ) in yards in a round of combat. There is no penalty for this movement. Players may choose to run with their character up to double that distance in a round by giving up their attack (Swordmasters may use the tumbling skill to retain their action)
Attacks (Melee)
Dice pool (DP) by default is Weapon_dots +bonus -penalties, and difficulty is 10-bonus - penalties
- When in a Formation add the lesser of formation dots and leader's intelligence to attacks while the formation holds
- When attacking from a successful ambush, add all ambush dots to the first round, and decrease by 1 dot for each successive round
- When following a strategy add the lesser of player's strategy dots and leader's charisma dots while the strategy holds
Defense by All-Out-Dodge (Melee)
Dice pool (DP) by default is Dodge + Dex - penalties, default DC 7+penalties. Dodge skill is not required to perform a dodge. Dodging (also called all-out-dodge) can be your only action for the round, once you start dodging you must continue for the remainder of the round. You may change your action to dodging at any time prior to taking your action. If you have already acted in a round and have remaining actions you may cancel your follow on actions and dodge with -1 dice pool. If you have performed all actions for the round and want to attempt to dodge you may with -2 dice pool.
- When in a Formation, perform a side roll DC 7+penalties to see if you stay in formation
- When opponent is in a Formation add the lesser of formation dots and intelligence to attacks while the formation holds
- When defending from an ambush, add perception dots to the first round, and decrease by 1 dot for each successive round
- When following a strategy add the lesser of player's strategy dots and leader's charisma dots while the strategy holds
Defense by Evasion (Melee)
Dice pool (DP) by default is Evasion + Wits + Perception - penalties, default DC 7+penalties. If you successfully evade you retain your action for the round, pools are reduced by -1 die per successful evasion, if you fail your evasion you may change your action to all-out-dodge adding -1 die to your penalty.
Defense by Parry (Melee)
Dice pool (DP) by default is Basic Forms + Dex + - penalties, default DC 7+penalties. Must be wielding a sword, and attack must be parryable (most magic cannot be parried, most ranged combat cannot be parried: see bird forms). If your parry is unsuccessful you may attempt to tumble with full dice pool, or change your actions to all-out-dodge, evasion, dance the spears. With a successful parry you can attempt a riposte, roll DP=sword, DC=10-basic. Opponent can either soak damage or switch to all-out-dodge.
Absorbing Physical Damage with Armor (Melee)
Your armor can soak normal physical damage up to dots. DP=dots, DC7. Certain attacks may damage (temporarily or perminently) or remove your armor. Note: Armor is a penalty to your dice pool equivalent to your armor dots for any rolls involving Dexterity.
Absorbing Physical Damage with Stamina (Melee)
You can 'suck up' normal damage into your stamina, such that damage is first taken from your box health instead of your dot health, effectively allowing you to withstand more damage before you panic. DP=stamina dots, DC7, success means damage is taken against your box health instead of dot health, critical failure means additional dot health damage is taken. If you soak all your box health, then when your dot health expires, so do you.
Example: You are going to take 5 damage from a sword attack and choose to absorb. Your stamina is 3, so you roll 3d10 DC7, getting 3,5,7. You soak 1 point of damage against your box health, and take the remaining 4 points of damage against dot health.
Example: You are going to take 5 damage from a sword attack and choose to absorb. Your stamina is 3, so you roll 3d10 DC7, getting 1,3,5, for a net -1 success. For this critical failure you take 5 points of dot damage and 1 additional point of box damage.
Magic General
Channeling: Saidin, Saidar, & the True Source
Channeling, weaving and spinning, are some of the many terms used to describe the act of casting magic. A person who can cast magic is often referred to as a Channeler. Men and women can interact with a facet of magic in the Wheel of Time. These facets are considered equal, however, they are not exchangeable. A man who can channel, may touch, see in progress weavings, active magic, and read residues of Saidin, he may not see or sense anything of Saidar. For women who can channel, the same is true with inverted powers (see/sense/use Saidar, and none for Saidin). In this gaming system, it is a roleplay differentiation when both genders are being played by characters. In addition, the GM is not required to notify players of magic that occurs when cast by a non-compatible type, and may actively lie as appropriate to emphasize the disconnect inherent in the universe. While considered equal, in general men can wield more of the power than women, and women are the only ones who can initiate or maintain circles (see Linking). In the game this is represented by men recieving a free dot of power.
Threads: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Spirit
The Wheel of Time universe contains 5 magical elements. Women are 'stronger' in Air and Water, and men are 'Stronger'. In the game, there is a 50% discount credited to purchases of threads of the stronger type to encourage purchase of those dots. It is not required that a character purchase more of the cheaper threads, as it is consistent with the universe for a random male channeler to be stronger in air or water than a random female channeler, and vice versa. Additionally,
Limits (Potential)
The magic system is tightly bound by several limits. The most basic is that of potential. A channeler may not buy dots in air, spirit, water, fire, earth or onepower in excess of the channeler's potential. In addition, the potential cannot increase over time, it is set at the time of character creation and will remain fixed for the entire life of the character. In the case of the one power, if a channeler every uses in a single round more dots than the channeler has in potential, the player will burn out. There are several safeguards against this occurring: see 'burning out'.
Example: A subjective projection of fictional characters into this system
Damer Flinn,Rahvin, Aginor (Osan'gar/Dashiva)
2Alviarin , Anaiya , Beonin, Carlinya, Movrin, Kristian,Faolain Orande, Melaine, Renaile
3Jonan AdleyAlanna, Amys, Bera, Galina, Kiruna, Kwamesa, Leane, Myrelle, Reanne, Sheriam, Theodrin, Verin, Merana, Rafela, Faeldrin, Masur
4Elaida, Garenia/Zarya, Lelaine, Moiraine, Romanda, Siuan, Raiyn
5Jur Grady, Fedwin Morr, Eben Hopwil, Feager Neald, KerlianMeilyn, Karene, Therava
6Cadsuane, Nicola, Someryn
7Jahar NarishmaAviendha, Egwene, Elayne, Metarra
9Asmodean,Mazrim Taim, Logain AlbarGraendal, Mesaana, Nynaeve, Semirhage
10Lanfear/Cyndane, Sharina
11Sammael, Be'lal, Balthamel (Aran'gar/Halima), Demandred,
14Rand al'Thor, Ishamael/Moridin
Limits (Threads)
Another limit of the magic system is threads. A channeler must buy up dots in each of the 5 magic types. A channeler may know but cannot spin any weaves that require more threads than the channeler knows. In the case where a channeler splits their weavings, they must also split their available threads amoung the weaving dice pools. If a channeler must 'double dip' on a single dot then they will take on a point of strain for each round and for each thread type that this occurs.
Example: A channeler knows the weave for basic fire (0,0,0,1,0). However, the channeler has no strength in fire (no dots) then the channeler is incapable of forming the weave for fire. This means the weave cannot be directly taught.
Example: A woman knows the weave for basic fire (0,0,0,1,0). The woman has no strength in fire (no dots) but forms a link with another channeler who is strong with fire (more than 1 dot). The woman can pull threads of fire through the linked channeler and form the weave for fire.
Limits (Strain)
Strain is both the safety net against burnout and your stamina for channeling. You cannot accrue strain in boxes that are below empty willpower dots. Therefore if you have a willpower of 3 you only have 3 boxes of strain. Filling in dots of strain start highest dot of willpower. A box of strain negates the willpower and onepower above it. If your character has less willpower than onepower, a single dot of strain will not negate the dots of power further right of the willpower, but will further imbalance the difference between onepower and willpower. A character's maximum dice pool for weaves is decreased by the number of dots of strain below dots of power. If all available boxes of strain are filled, and you are channeling your weaves will collapse (possibly violently) and you will need to save vs unconciousness and again against stun. If in a single round you gain more boxes of strain than you have available and you are channeling, you will violently release additional one power creating random magic and burn yourself out. You will also need to save vs unconciousness and against stun. If you fill all boxes of strain and you are not channeling, you will not be able to embrace the source until you have had sufficient mental and physical rest to free up a box. During this time, your character is more succeptible to mental domination and manipulation.
Example: A channeler with 3 dots of strain and 4 dots of both onepower and willpower only has 1 die available for channeling
Example: A channeler with 3 dots of strain, 4 dots of onepower 7 dots of willpower only has all 4 dice available for channeling
Example: A channeler with 4 dots of strain, 4 dots of onepower 7 dots of willpower and a potential of 13 has 3 dice available for channeling and a DC of -2. The channeler splits their pool in two and rolls (2,10+4) and (3,10+5) resulting in 6 successes, and takes 2 dots of strain for oversuccesses
Example: A channeler with 3 dots of strain, 10 dots of onepower 4 dots of willpower and a potential of 13 has 7 dice available for channeling and a DC of -2. The channeler splits their pool in two and rolls (2,10+4,10+4) and (3,3,4,10+10+5) resulting in 11 successes, with a maximum of 7 resulting in 4 dots of strain, but because there is only 1 strain dot left (4 willpower - 3 strain = 1 box left), the channeler has oversucceeded by 3 dots more than the maximum amount of strain they can tolerate. This releases 10(max dots) * 3 (over-strain) = 30 dots of onepower into wild magic and the channeler burns out.
Limits (Onepower)
The amount of raw power you can channel in a single round. This represents the maximum trained ability. It is possible for characters in the system to utilize more raw power in a round than they have dice in their pool. This is risky and can lead to burning out if the character has more successes than potential. It is not required for a character to utilize all of their onepower dice in a round, and the player may choose how many dice in the pool to roll. When the player is taking their time and focusing on the task, they may stop rolling dice once the weave has been completed. This self-limitation is not permitted if the channeler has more dots of strain than their stamina, or if they are under any sort of stress (e.g. in combat). Onepower also determines the amount of damage that a weaving will do. The net damage of an attack is equal to the maximum number of successes for a weave. Some basic weaves (e.g. create fire) can 'soak up' an unlimited number of additional successes to increase the damage that is imparted, however, these weaves start as soon as the minimum success requirement is met and continues to grow while the channeler adds more power.
Limits (Onepower)
Limits (Optioning Rerolls)
The delicate balance for channelers is how much of the onepower to utilize. A novice in the White Tower and similar entry level characters in other organizations are taught to start small and not to embrace too much power. Doing so will cause them to burn out, and a channeler does not start with an innate understanding of what their personal limits are. After some training they learn to detect the 'pain' in the channeling and use that as a boundary to self limit their power. In this system, it is represented by the player having controls to allow them to not over-succeed at an action (channel too much power). One way is the automatic successes if they player chooses to slowly increase the amount of power they hold (see embracing). Additionally the player can choose to not roll all available dice in their onepower pool (see Single Weave). And finally, players have the option to declare PRIOR TO ANY ROLLS that they will opt to not reroll 10's. This self-limit will guarantee that a character does not go over their maximum power potential. This declaration must hold for all split pools.
Wards are a class of weaves that respond a cause, the response can be to negate the cause (e.g. ward against eavesdropping) or trigger an action (e.g. explode). In all cases wards represent weaves that are implicitely tied off, and do not require a separate step to apply them. Optionally, a ward can be held active (occupies a single dot of power) and not allowed to settle on a place or object and will dissipate when the channeler releases it. Rules for wards apply to a variety of continuous acting powers that cannot be picked apart (e.g. Warder Bond, Sisterhood Bond
This general term describes the act of searching, researching, analysing, or exploring with the one power. A character may learn about a weave, identify components, identify inverted weaves, or identify physical details of the object. Delving against physical structures has no specific thread requirements, but the relative strengths and interests of the channeler will affect the information found. Delving against items of power or weaves will reveal properties based on the channeler's relative strength in the weave. Channelers who have the ability to read residues can use delving at the lesser of the two values to probe into weaves originating from the other half of the one power.
Read Residues
This talent allows channelers to understand weaves that were used in a location and were not picked apart. An unraveled weave is hidden at +dots DC from reading. A channeler with 5 dots in read residues can attempt to uncover a weave that was unraveled with 5 dots of skill at the resulting DC 10 (= 10 -5 + 5). If a channeler successfully reads a residue they may attempt to learn the original weave and may aquire it with no additional cost of experience.
Example: Elayne Trakand (* unravel) picked apart a weave to form a gateway. Although unsuccessful at completely picking apart the weave she hid the weave at +1 dot DC, meaning a generic channeler must roll an 11 on a 1d10 to successfully identify the gateway, effectively hiding it from identification.
Holding Weaves (Inactive)
A channeler can choose to hold a weave in a ready but inactive state. This is akin to pulling back the hammer on a gun. The effect (bullet) is not active but it is very close to being active. A channeler must assign a single dot of willpower to hold a weave in this state.
Holding Weaves (Active)
A channeler can choose to hold a weave that has been activated and maintain the state. This holding pattern requires a single dot of onepower. The channeler holding the weave can tell if another person touches, attempts to cut, or attempts to pick apart a weave. In the latter cases, this advanced warning gives the channeler holding the weave automatic initiative to defend against the assault if desired.
Holding Weaves (Inactive Inverted)
A channeler can choose to hold a weave in a ready but inactive state and, if they posess the skill, inverted against detection. This is akin to pulling back the hammer on a gun and tucking that gun into your coat pocket. A channeler must assign both a single dot of willpower and a single dot of onepower to hold a weave in this state.
Masking the Ability
A channeler, who has knowledge of the weave, can choose to mask their ability to channel. This will prevent them from being detected as a channeler from a distance and adds a penalty to attempts to identify the source of power. The channeler must assign both a dot of willpower and a dot of onepower to holding a weave in this state
Tieing off
Weaves can be tied off based on the skill of the channeler. The channeler must dedicate at least one dot of embraced power to hold a weave that is not tied off. Once tied off the channeler is disconnect from the weave unless specific steps were taken to connect the channeler to the weave. To tie off a weave the channeler must roll until their sucecesses are equal to the maximum threadcount of the weave. If at any point the channeler has more 1's than successes the channeler fumbles the knot and the weave dissipates, but the channeler does not receive any strain.
Tieing off a Weave (Inverted)
The channeler can increase the difficulty of the tieing exercise by +1 DC and have their resultant tied off weave be inverted against detection. Delving specifically targeted at or in the immediate proximity of the weave will still detect it, but the weave cannot be seen or detected from a distance of more more than a few paces.
Burning off Strain (Wild Magic)
If ever a situation occurs (such as with the flawed Sa'Angreal Callendor) where a channeler must take more strain in a round than they can withstand, their embrace of the power is releaved violently. In many situations this is accompanied by the channeler being burned out. In the case of Callendor, when Rand with lowered willpower created a gateway to join a battle and started hurling lightning, the same lightning attacked his allies and soon himself. In this system, this is realized by Callendor not protecting the caster from excess strain but protecting them from burning out. In those situations, the full force of the channeler's potential is released and forms one or more random weaves. This occurs for each dot of strain in excess of maximum.
Example: Rand carries 8 dots of strain, and has a potential and willpower of 13. He uses callendor to channel 10x10 dots of power (100/round) but has no place for the 87 points of strain he would incur. Those 87 points of strain are released into the world in the form of 13*87 dots worth of random magic. In the stories these favored creation of powerful lightning that struck randomly hitting enemies, allies, and Rand himself.
Angreal & Sa'Angreal
A normal angreal or sa'angreal (collectively referred to as angreal) has the ability to increase the number of dots a channeler can hold, and wield in a given round. Normal Angreal of a given dot range increase the total amount cumulatively (summation). Sa'Angreal increase the total amount of power geometrically (multiplication). A properly formed (not flawed) angreal will protect the channeler from accruing strain from oversuccesses. However,strain can still be assessed by the Judge.
Example: A *** Angreal will allow a 4 dot channeler to use 7 dots in a single round
Example: A *** Sa'Angreal will allow a 4 dot channeler to use 20 dots in a single round ((3***) x 4 + base = 20)
Magic Combat
Embracing The Source
Before attempting a weave, the channeler must first ready himself or herself to spin a web. This can be done anytime, and does not need to be part of a combat round, however the timing is measured in combat rounds (6 second intervals). A channeler does not need to hold all of their capacity at any moment, but must hold at least one dot. To embrace the first dot the channeler must roll up to their maximum number of dots that they wish to embrace against the DC set by their potential. The action is presumed to take one round of combat per die. After the first dot is achieved, then additional dots can occur at the same time that the embraced dots are being used. A channeler who at any time attempts or is forced to embrace more than their potential will 'burn out', severing their connection to the source. If at any point when attempting to embrace the power, the channeler rolls more 1's than successes, the channeler loses their grasp on the source and gains one box of strain for each negative success.
Example: A channeler wishes to spin a weave that requires 10 threads (2 of each type). The channeler has a potential of 7 and 5 dots of power. There is no strain on the channeler, so the DC is 11-potential = 4. The channeler chooses to embrace only 4 dots, and rolls 4d10 getting bad rolls of 1,2,3,4 = 0 successes (4 = +1, 1 = -1) and so must on the next round again try to roll 4d10, this time getting 7,8,9,10 + 7 (the fifth die is from a reroll) = 5 successes. The channeler successfully gained all 4 dots and can optionally claim the 5th by over-successes because the total dots is less than or equal to the maximum number of dots.
Example: A channeler chooses to embrace the source prior to battle, taking 2 rounds to embrace 4 dots of a maximum 10. Once battle has begun the channeler can increase the held dots by 1 for each round of battle for free up to the maximum of 10 (takes 6 rounds).
Example: A channeler chooses to embrace the source prior to battle, taking 2 rounds to embrace 1 dots of a maximum 10. Once battle has begun the channeler chooses to stop all in-progress weaving and attempt to embrace all 9 remaining dots of power. The channeler rolls 9d10 and successfully embraces 8 dots of power, the channeler can automatically claim the 9th dot as a free action on the next round and weave with 10 total dots in that round
Example: A channeler holds 1 dot of power prior to combat and has a potential of 3. Combat starts and the channeler decides to immediately attempt to embrace the remaining two dots of power, and rolls 2d10 getting 9+10 and is forced to reroll getting another 9, this results in 4 dots of power being embraced by the channeler, which is beyond their personal potential of 3. The channeler is immediately burned out and must make a willpower roll (DC 11 - stamina) to remain concious and a second willpower check (DC 11-wits) to remain composed.
Example: A channeler with 2 dots of power and a potential of 2 attempts to embrace a single dot of power. The channeler rolls 1d10 DC 9. In the first round the channeler gets a 2 = 0 successes. In the second round the channeler gets a 1 = -1 successes. The channeler has strained themselves and gains one box of strain under their highest dot of willpower.
Burning Out
In the case of the one power, if a channeler every uses in a single round more dots than the channeler has in potential, the player will burn out. There are several safeguards against this occurring. The most basic is self-limiting by the player character. If a character does not attempt embrace their maximum amount of one power or if that maximum is significantly lower than the character's potential, then the risk of rolling too many successes is significantly lower. Additionally, once a single dot of power is held the channeler may increase their available dots of power by one dot per round for free. This controlled escalation of power is guaranteed to never go over the character's maximum. When rolling dice in weavings, a channeler can choose to not roll their entire pool on a single action if they are concerned that they will go over their maximum and in some conditions may roll their entire pool and have the option not to reroll 10's that come up. Finally, when involved in a circle (linked), using an Angreal, or Sa'Angreal, the character is buffered against channeling too much of the power. Note that there do exist some artifacts (Angreal, Sa'Angreal, and Ter'Angreal) which contain a flaw and do not protect the channeler. At this time there are no known ways to link channelers such that any of the channelers are at risk of burning out.
Single Weave (normal)
To attempt a weave, the channeler must have sufficient strength in each of the 5 powers based on the requirements of the weave. For a basic fire weave which requires 1 dot of fire, the channeler must have a single dot of fire, all other threads are not important. To weave this, a channeler's DP is equal to the number of dots of power currently embraced. The difficulty depends on the type of weave, by default the difficulty is 7, unless the weave is one of the special types, which start at a DC10 and are reduced by the number of dots in that specialty. If the channeler has insufficient dots at the end of a round, they must choose to continue weaving in the next round, or let the partial weave go. If an incomplete weave is released, in the vast majority of cases the power will just dissipate. However, especially when researching, there is a small potential that the channeler may discover a new stable weave made up from some or all of the threads assembled. The new weave may or may not be a known weave, or an improved or degraded form of a known weave, or the weave may be a unique effect that has never been known before. In cases where the channeler chooses to continue weaving, they may roll up to all of their embraced dots of power on the next round in an attempt to complete the weave. Once a weave is complete the channeler may allocate one dot of willpower to 'hold' the weave at the ready, or if they know how may allocate one dot of power and one dot of willpower to invert the weave against detection and hold it ready.
Single Weave (Straining)
A channeler may strain by attempting to pull on more power dots than they currently have available, or by pulling more dots than available across a split pool (see multiple weave - straining). In the first case the channeler can use the power beyond their current maximum if it is below their potential. If they use more than their potential then they burn out, but if they are in the 'sweet spot' between their maximum potential and their embraced dots, the channeler simple accepts a single dot of strain for each round that it occurs. If a channeler gets more successes in any round than their potential, they will burn out. (see angreal usage). The Judge may apply strain to a character for any reason at any time. The most common situation is if the channeler has been weaving without a break for an extended period of time.
Single Weave (Dreaming)
When dreaming, whether or not the channeler is in tel'aran'rhiod (the world of dreams), only threads of spirit can be woven. In tel'aran'rhiod, the threads of spirit can 'pretend' to be threads of another type, so if the channeler does not have sufficient strength in spirit, not all weaves that the channeler knows may be attempted in the world of dreams.
Multiple Weaves (All)
A channeler may split the pool of power that they have embraced into additional pools based on the 3x number of dots of looming (* looming = max 3 pools, ***** looming = max 30 pools) In the cases where more weaves are in play than the caster has dots of power (absolute maximum number of non-zero pools would be 13), the channeler can hold in reserve partially formed weaves while attempting to construct others. If the channeler chooses to assign a dot of willpower to the weave it will not degrade, otherwise it will lose a dot of success for each round ignored until it completely dissipates. If a channeler gets more successes in any round in excess of the maxiumum number of dots of power they have they will get a point of strain for EACH excess dot (this is different than single weaves where only a single dot is assessed). If a channeler gets more successes in any round than their potential, they will burn out. (see angreal usage). The Judge may apply strain to a character for any reason at any time. The most common situation is if the channeler has been weaving without a break for an extended period of time.