Server Rules
Keep it Fun for Everyone!
We use a whitelist to prevent griefing from random users if you have any friends you'd like to invite, share their info with Uncle Mark and he'll add them to the server.
Be Nice
Let everyone have fun. Generally no griefing other players. If you mutually agree to griefing play, be sure to cleanup your messes and repair any damage you do.
Have fun
There are no limits on the builds you do or places you mine or farms you build. We all agree to decorate our areas to be pretty by our own standards. If you don't like a build, consider; moving it removing it, hiding it behind something, or detailing it until it's pretty by your standards.
Stay Connected
Make Roads! We like to collaborate and admire your creations. We also like to find the useful farms, or shopping areas. You are responsible for connecting your builds to the road network promptly upon moving to an area.
Share & Collaborate
We play survival, so resources must be collected. If you have extras, setup a shop or a gift area to share with others. When other people have lots of plans and limited resources, offer to help gather. And if you're inspired, offer to help build!